Main points
- To access deliverables and data please register and login under User Panel.
- CRUCIAL is funded in successful response to ESA ITT ESRIN/AO/1-6827/11/I-NB, to investigate the application of CryoSat-2 data over inland water.
- CryoSat's primary instrument is SIRAL (SAR Interferometric Radar Altimeter). SIRAL operates in one of three modes (Low Resolution Mode(LRM), Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar(SARIN).
- Expertise in satellite radar altimetry, including generation of inland water heights from SAR/SARin Level 1A waveform data.
- Expertise of River Modelling to highlight the potential of inland water heights from Cryosat-2.
- The project is investigating innovative land and water applications from Cryosat-2 with a forward-look component to the future Sentinel-3 mission.